FIFe System | WCF System |
2017.03.18-19 International show in Kaunas - 2xEx1, 2xNOM BIS, 2xBIS !!! 2017.05.13 International show in Riga - Ex1, CAC 2017.05.14 International show in Riga - Ex1, CAC, Adult NOM 2017.12.09 International show in Riga - Ex1, CAC Became a CHAMPION 2017.12.10 International show in Riga - Ex1, CACIB |
International show in Vilnius, 2017.04.01-02 Ex1, CACJ, Nom BIS, BEST IN GROUP 3; Ex1, CACJ, NOM BIS WCF Kitten ring 8/26 International Cats Show in Vilnius 22-23.04.2017 2× CACJ, Nom Bis, BEST OF BEST JUNIOR; WCF KITTEN RING 1st place out of 23 participants; WCF KITTEN RING 2nd place out of 22 participants; Best Junior Amber Eyes show!!! |